Miran Kim


I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Hanyang University and hold an affiliated faculty position at the Department of Computer Science at Hanyang University. My research mainly focuses on secure computation, which aims to develop advanced cryptographic primitives to protect sensitive data of individuals. In particular, I have been actively working on the development of homomorphic encryption, which enables to compute any function on encrypted data without decryption. Also, I have been working on privacy-preserving protocols in a wide range of applications such as cyber-physical systems, data query processing, genomic computation, and machine learning.

Positions are available for postdocs, graduate students, and interns (junior or senior student) in areas in security, privacy, and deep learning. If you are interested in applying for a position, please send an email to me.


Sep 11, 2023 Our paper titled COLLAGENE enables privacy-aware federated and collaborative genomic data analysis appeared in Genome Biology.
Aug 10, 2023 Our paper titled Accelerating HE Operations from Key Decomposition Technique appeared in Crypto 2023.

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